As a small state with an outsized character, Vermont occasionally finds itself the subject of some curious misconceptions. For example, if you type “Where is Vermont” into a Google search you’ll see that people also often ask questions like, “In which state is Vermont located?”, “Is Vermont a city in New York?”, and “Is Vermont Canada or USA?”, just to name a few. Vermont Map


Our history may muddy some mental waters. Both New York and New Hampshire once laid claim to what is now Vermont. And then we were our own country for 14 years. Known for about 6 months as New Connecticut before quickly rebranding, the Vermont Republic remained unrecognized by any foreign power from 1777 to 1791. You can kind of get a sense of why the rest of the world might get a little confused.


Just to add to the perplexity, Burlington, the state’s largest city, shares its name with over 30 other cities and towns across North America. There are 4 Burlingtons in New England alone and one not too far over the border in Ontario! Across the rest of the country you have Burlington's in  Iowa, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Michigan, Texas, North Dakota, and Washington just to name a handful.

But let's set the record straight: While it shares a border with the Canadian province of Quebec to the north, you can rest assured, Vermont proudly claims its place as the 14th state of the Union. Tucked up in the northwestern corner of New England, it’s as American as a maple creemee. And while every Burlington has its own unique sense of place, our Burlington serves as the gateway to the Vermont experience, with breathtaking landscapes, rich heritage, and a distinct culture that make it an enticing place for locals and visitors alike.



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